Ich kann's kaum glauben, aber ich hab mal wieder zu viele Karten in zu kurzer Zeit gemacht!
Die Inspirationen aus dem OCC Spring Card Camp machten mich super kreativ! In Kombination mit dem wechselhaften Wetter und der immer noch geltenden Empfehlung, zu hause zu bleiben, hatte ich einige sehr produktive Tage!
Ich werde versuchen, noch möglichst viele Karten zu posten, damit ich die noch in die OCC-Galerien hochladen kann.
Aber die Posts werden erst mal nur "halbfertig" sein... die Material-Listen und einige zusätzliche Infos kommen dann später.
Bitte habt ein klein wenig Geduld - wenn ihr Fragen zu einzelnen Karten habt, schreibt bitte einen kleinen Kommentar, dann kommen die Infos da früher!
I barely can believe it, but I made too many cards in short time again!
The inspiration of the OCC Spring Card Camp made me super creative. Combined with the mixed weather of the last few days and the still valid suggestion of staying at home I had some super productive days!
I will try to post most of them, to be able to upload them to the OCC-galleries,
But the post will be "half-done"...the supplies and some more information about every card will be updated as soon as I find time to write them. Please be a bit patient with me - when you have questions to one of the cards, write a little comment, and I will update this post earlier!
Die Inspirationen aus dem OCC Spring Card Camp machten mich super kreativ! In Kombination mit dem wechselhaften Wetter und der immer noch geltenden Empfehlung, zu hause zu bleiben, hatte ich einige sehr produktive Tage!
Ich werde versuchen, noch möglichst viele Karten zu posten, damit ich die noch in die OCC-Galerien hochladen kann.
Aber die Posts werden erst mal nur "halbfertig" sein... die Material-Listen und einige zusätzliche Infos kommen dann später.
Bitte habt ein klein wenig Geduld - wenn ihr Fragen zu einzelnen Karten habt, schreibt bitte einen kleinen Kommentar, dann kommen die Infos da früher!
I barely can believe it, but I made too many cards in short time again!
The inspiration of the OCC Spring Card Camp made me super creative. Combined with the mixed weather of the last few days and the still valid suggestion of staying at home I had some super productive days!
I will try to post most of them, to be able to upload them to the OCC-galleries,
But the post will be "half-done"...the supplies and some more information about every card will be updated as soon as I find time to write them. Please be a bit patient with me - when you have questions to one of the cards, write a little comment, and I will update this post earlier!
Entered here:
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Online Card Class "Spring Card Camp" Student-Gallery Days 11-15 |
Most of the time I'm inspired by the videos of the current "OCC - Spring Card Camp" right now.
This time by Dawn Woleslagle on Day 11 (but I have used tape instead of paperstripes).
This time by Dawn Woleslagle on Day 11 (but I have used tape instead of paperstripes).
This is an extra long class - started Saturday, April 11th and last until Thursday, April 30th, Wrap-Up day is Thursday, May 7th. / On every one of the 20 days you get one video with intructions and tips to create in minimum two (different) cards in almost one main working process!
Used Materials:
will be updated!
will be updated!
Liebe Grüße von Wiebke
Hugs & greetings from Wiebke
Have a good time, stay at home and healthy and be creative!
Have a good time, stay at home and healthy and be creative!
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Thanks for writing a little note! - I'm happy about every comment!