Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023

K1-1336 - Augen für Dich

Auf wen hast du ein Auge geworfen?
Der kleine grüne Charmeur auf der Karte hat ja mehrere Möglichkeiten...


It's a pun with the German sentiment.
First I have to translate it for you...
"Ich habe ein Auge auf dich geworfen" has the meaning of  "I've got my eye on you".
But the German words are a bit different...
The "correct" translation (exactly by words) would be "I've thrown an eye on you".
I think now you can understand this funny combination of monster, eye and sentiment, right?!

Who are you keeping your eye on?
The little green charmer on the card has more than one option...

K1-1336 - Augen für Dich
K1-1336 - Augen für Dich
K1-1336 - Augen für Dich
Used Materials:
Your Next Stamp: Stamps: Silly Monsters & Silly Monsters Two
Create A Smile: Stamps: Monstermäßig / 

Colours & other stuff:
Cardstock - light green, white / 
Tsukineko: Memento - tuxedo black / Stabilo: Marker Pen68 / Aquarell-Buntstift - schwarz / 
Wackelaugen - 1x 1,2 mm, 2x 0,6 mm, 3x 0,4 mm /
Lustige Grüße von Wiebke
Funny greetings from Wiebke

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